Ensure excellent email delivery for your summer camp

Improve communication with parents by ensuring that mail from your camp is always delivered. 
Improved email delivery rates

Solve the challenge of email delivery for your camp

Imagine you’ve drafted the perfect welcome mail for your campers and their parents, containing vital camping information that does not get delivered when sent.
Emails not being delivered are a recipe for missed information, confusion, and an unenjoyable camp experience. 

Comprehensive Email Monitoring and Management

Let us ensure a high rate of email delivery for your camp.

Email Deliverability Monitoring

Blacklist Monitoring

DNS Management

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Checks

Secure Your Camp's Email Communication

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC checks to ensure the reliability and security of your camps email communications.

Ensure that your email systems are secure and comply with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols to enhance email deliverability and security.

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